Sunday, November 18, 2007

One Move Chess is Born!

The concept of is simple. I will post a diagram of a new chess game. The diagram will include a form to make the next move. Anyone can make a move by using the form to suggest the next move. I will then post a new diagram reflecting the most recent move. When the game ends, the whole process can start anew. My goal is to have several moves throughout each day so that the game is constantly waiting for the next move.

I don't know if this has been done before, but it seemed like a fun idea and easy to jump into. Let me start with a confession. I love chess. I don't claim to be very good at it. I will probably never be a pro. I am happy to know enough openings and enough about the finer points of the game to beat my friends, play against my students at school, and play my younger brother to at least a draw.

If you come across this site, please feel free to suggest the next move. Have fun and good luck!

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